To move tenant to an apartment ensure that the following setting was already made.
Landlord Setup
Tenant Setup
Properties Setup
Apartment/Unit Setup
Once all this had been setup then click on Properties Menu
Locate vacant unit you want to move tenant to
Click on start rent button
To add new rent click on +Start New Rent button.
This will open a new rent page. On the page, follow the following steps
Select property - this will list all vacant apartments
Select the unit/apartment
Select tenant from this list of available tenants
On rent duration
Pick the rent start date
periodic preference i.e yearly, etc
Input the length of period by default it is set to 1
Commission and fees
Add all commission chargeable to the rent fees i.e
Agent commission (in percentage)
Caution fee
Agency fee
Legal fee
Click on Calculate Rent & Dues button to get the Rent summary
The summary will give you the following details
Rent Due Date - the expiry date of the rent
Actual Rental Cost - cost of the rent
Due to landlord - amount due to landlord
Management fee - amount due to property manager
Total Rent Cost - amount due to tenant
Once the summary is display you can review it before you submit the transaction
To start a rent without create invoice, uncheck the Create invoice box
To create invoice without starting a rent, uncheck the Start rent box