Rent Management

Rents management modules are is design to handle all aspects of rent businesses and payment processes. RentPro is design to handle all rents management functionalities. Start rent module is used to start a new rent for new tenant, Renew rent allows tenant rent renewal, Move-out module is updated when tenant move out from the apartment. Rent information module give overview of all properties, units, rents, start date, and rent due dates. Rent management section also gives estate managers access to view upcoming rent expiration and due rent with just a click

Knowing and getting informed when your tenants rents will due is key to rent management businesses. With RentPro you will not be left unaware while using it. It comes with intutive dashboad and key data analysis that will show you all rents, active rents, expired and a comprehensive unit by unit rent status. Starting rent and moving-in tenant is easy. With few button and mouse click, you will easily start new rent, renew rent and move out tenant as the case may be. The rent management allow you to set all neccessary rent parameters such as tenants, rent due date and required charges.
Functionalities of rent management module
Comrehensive rent analytics dashboard
Manage rent start, rent renew, move-out and rent due informations
Automated computation of rent total cost, commission and fees
Property management report and profitability reports
Rent roll, expired rents and upcoming expiration
Rent renewal notification and Rent expiration alert, etc
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