Thank you for using RentPro. This is the page for documentation, support and user manual that will help you to get started and understand all the functionalities of RentPro.

RentPro is a cloud property management software which is suitable for property managers, surveyors, real estate agents, landlord and legal practitioner to connect and manage property portfolios, tenants and landlords, maintenance, invoices and billings, payments and finances, rents and collections, disbursement, maintenance, notice and letters, notifications and communications

Functionalities and modules to be discussed in this documentation include property management, landlord management, tenant management, service transactions, account balance statament, account reports, transaction notification and alert (sms/email), charges and rates.

If you already have a RentPro account click here to login. If you are new to RentPro click here to sign up for a free trial, request a quotation or demonstration or request for account setup.


Subscription module is where you can manage you subscription plan detail, update your subscription account, renew subscription, buy sms credit, make payment and others. The subscription contain the following modules.

Subscription page - The subscription is the page that show your account details and you can also update your details at the same time. On this page you will be able to see the following.
  • Account ID - This is the unique ID given to your business for identification
  • Account Name - This is the name of the business owner
  • Email - The company's active email address
  • Current plan - Your current subsctiption plan
  • Account Status - Your account status
  • Start Date - The starting date of your current subscription
  • Expiry Date - The expiry Date of your current subscription
  • Subscription - The type of subscription
  • Managed Apartments - The number of apartments being managed by you
  • Users - The number of users you've registered on your plan
  • Currency - The currency used throughout your account
  • You can also add or update the following for use on receipts and emails

  • Contact Address - Company active address
  • Contact Phone No - Company telephone number
  • Contact Email - Company email address
  • Website - Company website
  • Group Email - Group email address
  • Currency
  • Company logo - The company logo for SMS and Email
  • Digital Signature
  • Account Password
  • SMS Account - Name of the SMS account
  • Email SMTP -For SMS and Email
Billings - The billing page is the page to see all invoices created for your subscription. Here, you will also see the invoice status, amount paid, etc
  • View Invoice - View invoice button will help to see the details of the invoice
  • Make Payment - The make payment button will take you to our online payment page API provide from Paystack. It is a secured platform for sending payment to us online.
  • Pay to Bank - There is also an option to send payment directly to our bank account using bank transfer or bank deposit using any option convenient for you. The detail is available on the invoice.
Activate/Renew subscription - The renew subscription page is where you can activate/renew your subscription. All you need to do is choose the plan you want to use and the duration in years. Calculate your pricing and submit to generate the invoice. You can then proceed to payment using any of the option available on the invoice.
Buy SMS Credit - This option is available if you need to purchase sms credits. Follow the process by choosing the number of sms credits you need. Once your sms account is activated you will be able to send sms notifications to your customers.


Manage Users

The user setup is where you can create user accounts for the company's workers and manage user accounts. To create a user account the following fields are required.

  • Full Name - The full name of the user
  • Email - The email address of the user
  • Password - The default password to be set for the user
  • Mobile No - The telephone number of the user
  • Category - The category of access level to be given to the user
  • Notification - Check this option to send details of accounts and transactions to this user

Available user categories and their access levels of the system.

  • Account Officer -
  • Accountant -
  • Administrator -
  • Branch Manager -
  • MD/CEO


This is the page to add the company's bank accounts where payments should be made to, as well as for accounting purposes

To create a bank account the following fields are required.

  • Bank name - The name of the company's bank
  • Account no. - The bank account number
  • Account name - The name on the bank account.


The dashboard on RentPro is the page you are redirected to once you successfully login. The page gives you summary of useful metrics to track key performance indicators. These are figures that speaks volume about the critical operation of your business.

Useful Metrics

At the top of the dashboard page, there are some key useful numbers that show the state of your business as a whole. The following key numbers are shown on the dashboard.

  • Properties - Shows the number of properties you manage.
  • Apartments - The number of apartments managed by your business.
  • Tenants - The number of active tenants.
  • Landlords - The number of landlords you offer services to.
  • Vacancy - The number of vacant properties.
  • Occupied - The number of occupied properties.
  • Active Rents - The number of active rents
  • Expired Rents - The number of expired rents
  • Unpaid Rents - The number of unpaid rents
  • Maintenance -

Graphical Data

There are pie charts and bar charts on the dashboard to represent some key performance metrics of your operation.

  • Apartments - Pie chart that shows the ratio of occupied to unoccupied apartments.
  • Rents - Pie chart that shows the ratio of active to expired rents.
  • Invoices - Pie chart that shows the ratio of paid to unpaid invoices.


This analysis shows income for the past three months


This analysis shows income for the past three months

Managed Overview

This shows an overview of the properties being managed by you, which can be filtered by, property, account officer, and status.


This is the page to add or manage a landlord. On this page, all landlords are displayed, as well as the properties owned by them. Selecting a landlord takes you to the landlord management page and selecting one of the properties takes you to the property management page (see more.)

Create New Landlord

On this page you can create a new landlord by filling in the following details, as applicable:

  • Type - The type of landlord whether individual, couple, organization, company or family
  • Salutation
  • Full name - The name of the landlord
  • Mobile no: Landlord's mobile number
  • Email Address- Landlord's contact email address
  • Nationality - Landlord's nationality
  • Area, State or Region of origin
  • Date of birth
  • Contact Address - Landlord's contact address
  • Reporting period - Frequency of reports with landlord
  • Registration alert - Select the option of the medium alert of the registration will be sent through

All created landlords will be displayed on the Landlords page

Landlord Management

Selecting a landlord by clicking on their name takes you to the landlord management page which shows the following:

Landlord Detail

This shows the details of the landlord which were added during creation, and lets you update them. YOu can also add extra details such as the landlord's bank account details and a note

Next of Kin

This is the page where you can add details for the landlord's next of kin, if required.


This is the page where you can attach necessary documents to a landlord profile


Here, you can view the details of all properties owned by the landlord


This page shows a statement of all transactions carried out with the landlord


This is the page to add or manage a property. On this page, all properties, as well as their landlords are displayed. From here, you can either create a new property, add a unit to a property, start rent on a property or manage a property or unit.

Create New Property

This is the page to add new property information. All compulsory fields are suffixed with (*). After inputing all the fieds click on 'add property' button to save the property. The fields to be filled are:

    Property Information

  • Property Address *
  • City Located *
  • Town Located
  • Property Category, either commercial or residential
  • Property Type. Select any of the provided options
  • Furnished Type. Select furnished, unfurnished or partly furnished
  • Property Description - A brief description of the property
  • Property Owner

  • Owner Name * - Select from the landlords previously created
  • Property Service Type - THe type of property management service the company is providing to the property owner
  • Agent Commission
  • Start date - Start date of property management
  • Property Value

  • Annual Rental Cost
  • Selling Price

All created properties will be displayed on the Properties page where they can be managed. All properties can be filtered by property status - active or inactive.

Create New Property Unit

This is the page to add new property unit information after creating a new property. After inputing all the fie;ds click on 'add unit' button to add the unit. The fields to be filled are:

  • Unit name *
  • Unit description *
  • No. of bedroom *
  • Annual rent cost *

All created units will be displayed on the Properties Units page where they can be edited

Property Management

Selecting a property by clicking on the property name takes you to the property management page which shows the following:

Property Detail

This shows the details of the property which were added during creation, and lets you update them.

Property Photos

This is the page where you can add photographs of the property.


Here, you can view the service type and the property's pricing, as well as update them.


Here, you can view and edit the details of all of the property's units.


Here, you can view all of the tenants on the property.

Property Documents

Here, you can upload all relevant documents relating to the property.


All units displayed under each property have the following management options:

Unit Details

Clicking on a unit's name takes you to the unit details page which contains the details added during the unit's creation. These details can be updated as well.

Start Rent

On this page you can configure the rent for a property unit. The following details are used:

  • Property - The property whose rent is to be configured
  • Unit - The property unit to be rented
  • Annual Rent Cost
  • Tenant - Select a tenant or create a new onc
  • Rent duration
  • Rent start date
  • Periodic preference - The periodic interval of payment
  • Length of period
  • Commision and fees
  • Agent Commission
  • Caution Fee
  • Agency Fee
  • Legal Fee
  • Service Charge
  • Rent Alerts - Select this option to send rent alerts to the tenant
  • Enable Rent Due Reminder - Select the frequency of rent due reminders to be sent
  • Transactions
  • Start Rent - To start rent check the 'Start Rent' box
  • Create Invoice - To create invoice for the rent check the 'Create Invoice' box

After the necessary details are filled, click on the 'calculate rent and dues' button to calculate the rent which will be displayed, and then click on the 'submit' button to submit the transaction.


The tenant's name is shown, and clicking on it takes you to the tenant management page.

Rent details

The expiry status and date of expiry are shown and the rent details can be edited by clicking on the 'edit' button

Rent Balance

The rent balance is shown and clicking on it takes you to the invoices/billings page, where you can add rent payments.

Renew rent

Here, you can renew rents that are expiring. The details of the rent are shown, and the following the details are to be inputed to calculate the renewed rent cost:

  • Agent's commission
  • Late payment days
  • Late fees
  • Agency fee
  • Service charge
  • Rent period (new rent period)
  • Periodic preference
  • Length of period
  • New Start date of rent

Move out

Click on this button when tenant moves out to set status to vacant.

Send renewal notice

Click on this button to send a renewal notice to the tenant.

Send payment reminder

Click on this button to send an alert to the tenant to remind them of payment.


This is the page to add or manage a tenant. On this page, all tenants, as well as the unit rented by them are displayed. From here, you can either create a new tenant, add a unit to a property, start rent on a property or manage a property or unit.

Create New Tenant

On this page you can create a new tenant by filling in the details, as applicable. All compulsory fields are suffixed with (*). After inputing all the fields click on 'add tenant' button to save the tenant. The fields to be filled are:


  • Tenant Type * - The type of tenant whether private or corporate
  • Salutation *
  • Full name * - The name of the tenant
  • Mobile no * - Tenant's mobile number
  • Email Address- Tenant's contact email address
  • Date of birth
  • Gender - Tenant's gender
  • Nationality * - Tenant's nationality
  • Area, State or Region of origin *
  • Permanent Address * - Tenant's permanent address
  • Contact Address - Tenant's contact address
  • Dependants - Tenant's dependants
  • Pets, if any
  • Registration alert - Select the option of the medium alert of the registration will be sent through

All created tenants will be displayed on the Tenants page

Tenant Management

Selecting a tenant by clicking on their name takes you to the tenant management page which shows the following:

Tenant Detail

This shows the details of the tenant which were added during creation, and lets you update them. You can also add extra details such as a note


This is the page where you can add details of the tenants's employment, if required.


This is the page where you can add details of the tenants's guarantors, if required.


This is the page where you can attach necessary documents to a tenant's profile


Here, you can view the details of the tenant's rent payments.


This page shows all invoices/statements issued to the tenant, which can be printed out


Here, you can view the details of all payments made by the tenant

All units with active rent also have some unit management options


This is the page to see all rents active, expired and upcoming expirations

Rent rolls can be filtered by property, expiring days, status (active, expired or moved out), or search by expiry date.


This is the page to add and view all services that can be offered by your company. Some services are provided by default, and to add a new service, provide the:

  • Service Type
  • Service Name
  • Service Description


This is the page to create invoices, manage invoices, print invoice, send invoice and post payment received.

Create New Invoice/Service Billing

Clicking on this button takes you to a page to create a new service billing. The 'manage services' button takes you to the services page.

To create a new billing, select the service to bill by

  • Selecting the service type
  • Selecting the service name
  • Providing the description
  • Entering the service cost
  • Clicking on 'Add Service'

Add as many services as required.

Next, choose who to bill the invoice to by selecting the:

  • Customer Type
  • Customer to bill

Select the bank account to pay to, and enter the service description

Click on the 'submit' button to create the invoice. The created invoice is added to the Invoices/Billings page

On the invoices/billings page, all invoices are shown, with the option to filter them by property, payment status, date, or landlord. You can also search for an invoice using the invoice id

The invoices are displayed with the following options:

Add Payment

To add a payment, enter the following details:

  • Payment date
  • Payment mode
  • Income account - The book keeping account to be credited
  • Amount paid
  • Discount, if any
  • Send Alert - Select this option to send a notification of the payment to the necessary parties.

Then, click on post payment to update the invoice.

Print Invoice

Click on this button to print the invoice

Manage Invoice

The 'manage invoice' button takes you to the invoice management page which allows you to add services to the invoice, delete services, or payments or delete the invoice (Invoices with payments cannot be deleted).


This is the page to view all rent or service payments. You can search for a payment by date or filter by income (service) headings and property.

You can also print the receipt of a payment or export a report of all payments for a period.


This page is for record-keeping purposes. It allows you to create and manage expenses and disbursements. All expenses can be filtered by date or by searching for a particular category.

Create New Expense

To create a new expense, enter the:

  • Transaction date
  • Voucher no. (This is created automatically).
  • Expenses account - Select a suitable account from the options. This account will be used in reports
  • Cash account
  • Description of expense
  • Amount

Then click on 'submit' to create the expense


This is the page to add all possible maintenance service types that are usually performed on all faclities.

Add a maintenace service by entering it into the textbox and clicking on submit.


On this page, you'll find all contacts and be able to send sms and email communications to them. Contacts can be filtered by type, and can also be managed by clicking on the 'manage' button to edit or add details to the contact.

Communication can be done in two ways:

Email Communication

From this page you can send an email to contacts by:

  • Filtering the contacts by category or property
  • Providing the email addresses to send the mail to, by typing them in the provided textbox or by selecting the contacts you want and clicking on the 'get email address' button
  • Entering the topic, and subject of the email
  • Clicking on 'send'

SMS Communication

From this page you can send an SMS to contacts by:

  • Filtering the contacts by category or property
  • Providing the mobile numbers to send the mail to, by typing them in the provided textbox or by selecting the contacts you want and clicking on the 'get mobile numbers' button
  • Entering the message
  • Clicking on 'send'


On this page, you'll find reports for properties, landlords, tenants, rent rolls, contacts, sms, emails as well as income reports, expenses reports, account transactions

The following reports can be found:

  • Property Report - Shows a report of all properties being managed.
  • Landlord Report - Shows a report of all landlords being offered services.
  • Tenants Report - Shows a report of all tenants renting out a property.
  • Unit Report - Shows a report of all property units being managed.
  • Rent Rolls - Shows a report of all rent rolls.
  • Contacts - Shows all contacts.
  • Income Report - Shows a report of all money paid into the business
  • Expenses Report - Shows a report of all expenses.
  • Audit trail - Shows the record of all activities performed on the application by a particular user
  • Account Transactions - Shows all cashflow transactions for a particular ledger account
  • SMS Report - Shows a report of all SMS sent.
  • Unit Report - Shows a report of all email messages sent.